The principle of general chemistry(Taiyuan University of Technology) 中国大学MOOC答案100分最新完整版



1.Chemical Thermodynamics Chapter test

1、 Which of the following systems contains two phases ( )

A:A mixture of ice and water
B: A mixed gas of oxygen and nitrogen
C:The system consisting of the reaction of zinc powder and hydrochloric acid
D:A glucose aqueous solution
答案: A mixture of ice and water

2、 What exchanges exist between the system and the surroundings in the open system? ( )

A:Both material exchange and energy exchange
B:Only material exchange
C:Neither material exchange nor energy exchange
D:Only energy exchange
答案: Both material exchange and energy exchange

3、 Which of the following options are composed of state functions? ( )

A:P, T, H
B:W, G, H
C: V, Qp, W
答案: P, T, H

4、 If the system goes through a series of changes and finally returns to the initial state, which option is correct about the change of the thermodynamic functions of the system? ( )

A:Q=0, W=0, ΔU=0, ΔH=0
B:Q=0, W=0, ΔU=0, ΔG=0
C:ΔU=0, ΔH=0, ΔG=0, ΔS=0
D:Q=W, W=0, ΔU=0, ΔH=0
答案: ΔU=0, ΔH=0, ΔG=0, ΔS=0

5、 If the ∆rHmӨ(T) of the reaction N2 (g)+ 3H2 (g) = 2NH3 (g) is 92.22 kJ·mol-1, what is the ∆fHmӨ(T) of NH3 (g)? ( )

A: -92.22 kJ·mol-1
B:-46.11 kJ·mol-1
C:46.11 kJ·mol-1
D: 92.22 kJ·mol-1
答案: -46.11 kJ·mol-1

6、 For any process, which of the following statements is correct? ( )

A:The work done by the system is independent of the reaction path.
B:The heat absorbed by the system is independent of the reaction path
C:None of the above statements is correct
D:The change in the internal energy of the system is independent of the reaction path
答案: The change in the internal energy of the system is independent of the reaction path

7、 Which of the following statements about the entropy function is wrong? ( )

A:The third law of thermodynamics can be expressed as the entropy of any substance at 0 K is zero.
B:As the temperature increases, the entropy of the same substance increases.
C:The greater the disorder of the system, the greater its entropy.
D:Entropy change depends only on the original and final states of the system, and is independent of the way to achieve the change.
答案: The third law of thermodynamics can be expressed as the entropy of any substance at 0 K is zero.

8、 What is the difference between ∆rHm and ∆rUm for the reaction of H2(g) + 1/2O2(g) = H2O (l) at 298 K?( )

A:-3.7 kJ·mol-1
B:3.7 kJ·mol-1
C:1.2 kJ·mol-1
D: -1.2 kJ·mol-1
答案: -3.7 kJ·mol-1

9、 If ∆rGmӨ = 10 kJ·mol-1for a reaction, it can be deduced that ( )

A:It must not proceed spontaneously under standard conditions.
B:∆rHm Ө >0, ∆rSm Ө <0
C:It must not proceed spontaneously.
D:It must not proceed spontaneously under non-standard conditions.
答案: It must not proceed spontaneously under standard conditions.

10、 Which of the following reactions or processes has a reduced entropy? ( )

A:The reaction C (s) + 1/2 O2 (g) = CO (g)
B:The NaCl crystals precipitate out of the solution
C:CuSO4·5H2O crystals dissolve in water
D: Sublimation of solid I2
答案: The NaCl crystals precipitate out of the solution

11、 ∆rHmӨ = 178 kJ·mol-1, ∆rSmӨ =161 J·mol-1 for the reaction of CaCO3 (s) = CaO (s) + CO2 (g), then what is the temperature at which CaCO3 begins to decompose? ( )

A:800 K
B:500 K
C:900 K
D:1106 K
答案: 1106 K

12、 The equation of ∆rGmӨ(T) = ∆rHmӨ(298.15) – 498 ∆rSmӨ(298.15) must be used to calculate ∆rGmӨ(T) for which of the processes under the following conditions ( )

A:498 K, standard states
B:298 K, standard states
C:298 K, any state
D: 498 K, any state
答案: 498 K, standard states

13、 In a closed container, the three gases A, B, and C is at a chemical equilibrium. Gas A reacts with B to produce C. At the same temperature, if the volume decreases by 2/3, what happens to the equilibrium constant kp ?

A:It doesn’t change.
B:3 times the orignal
C:9 times the orignal
D:1/3 times the orignal
答案: It doesn’t change.

14、 In the following reactions, the reactants and products are both gases and they are at equilibrium. If the pressure is increased, which reaction will not be affected? ( )

A:N2 + O2 = 2NO
B:N2 + 3H2 = 2NH3
C: 2NO2 = N2O4
D:O2 + 2H2 = 2H2O
答案: N2 + O2 = 2NO

15、 Given that ∆rHmӨ for the reaction of 3O2 (g) = 2O3 (g) is 288.7 kJ·mol-1, which of the following steps is required to move the reaction to the right? ( )

A:High temperature and high pressure
B: High temperature and low pressure
C:Low temperature and low pressure
D: Low temperature and high pressure
答案: High temperature and high pressure

16、 When using Hess’s law to calculate the heat of the reaction, the heat of reaction is process-independent. This shows that in any case, the heat of chemical reactions is only related to the initial and final states of the reaction, and has nothing to do with the path of the reaction.

答案: 错误

17、 The heat of a chemical reaction at constant pressure is not a state function.

答案: 正确

18、 The value of ∆fHmӨ, ∆fGmӨ and SmӨ of a stable element is equal to zero at a given temperature.

答案: 错误

19、 Reactions with a ∆rSmӨ less than 0 may also proceed spontaneously.

答案: 正确

20、 As the temperature increases, the standard equilibrium constant KӨ for chemical reactions increases.

答案: 错误

2.Fundamentals of Chemical Kinetics Chapter test

1、 The reaction rate of 2SO2(g)+O2 (g)→2SO3(g) can be expressed as v=-dc(O2)/dt, or as ( )

答案: -dc(SO2)/2dt

2、 The rate constant k is a ( )

A:Parameter with an uncertain dimension.
B:The dimension is mol2·dm-1·s-1.
C:The dimension is mol·dm-3·s-1.
D:Dimensionless parameters
答案: Parameter with an uncertain dimension.

3、 2A+B→C is an elementary reaction. There are 4 moles of A and 2 moles of B in a 1L container at beginning time. When both A and B reach half its initial value, the ratio of the reaction rate at this moment to that at initial time is ( )

答案: 1/8

4、 The rate law of the reaction A(g)+B(g)→C(g) is v=kc(A)2c(B). For the same amount of A and B to start the reaction in a closed batch reactor, if the reactor volume is doubled, how does the initial reaction rate change?

A:large =1/8small
B:large =1/6small
C: large =8small
D:large =1/4small







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