审计学(华东交通大学) 最新知到智慧树满分章节测试答案


第一章 单元测试

1、 The Sarbanes-Oxley Act applies to which of the following companies? ( )

A:All companies.
B:Privately held companies.
C:Public companies.
D:All public companies and privately held companies with assets greater than $500 million.
答案: Public companies.

2、 The criteria used by an external auditor to evaluate published financial statements are known as generally accepted auditing standards. ( )

答案: 错

3、 Which of the following is not a SysTrust Services principle as defined by the AICPA? ( )

A:Online privacy.
C:Processing integrity.
D:Operational integrity.
答案: Operational integrity.

4、 The trait that distinguishes auditors from accountants is the: ( )

A:auditor’s ability to interpret accounting principles generally accepted in the United States.
B:auditor’s education beyond the Bachelor’s degree.
C:auditor’s ability to interpret FASB Statements.
D:auditor’s accumulation and interpretation of evidence related to a company’s financial statements.
答案: auditor’s accumulation and interpretation of evidence related to a company’s financial statements.

第二章 单元测试

1、 Sarbanes-Oxley and the Securities Exchange Commission restrict auditors from providing many consulting services to their publically traded audit clients. Which of the following is true for auditors of publically traded companies? ( )

A:They are restricted from providing consulting services to privately held companies.
B:There is no restriction on providing consulting services to non-audit clients.
C:I only
D:II only
E:I and II
F:Neither I or II
答案: There is no restriction on providing consulting services to non-audit clients.

2、 Many small/local accounting firms do not perform audits as their primary services to their clients include accounting and tax. ( )

答案: 对

3、 The organization that is responsible for providing oversight for auditors of public companies is called the ( ).

A:Auditing Standards Board.
B:American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.
C:Public Oversight Board.
D:Public Company Accounting Oversight Board.
答案: Public Company Accounting Oversight Board.

4、 The form that must be filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission whenever a company plans to issue new securities to the public is the: ( )

A:Form S-1.
B:Form 8-K.
C:Form 10-K.
D:Form 10-Q.
答案: Form S-1.

5、 Standards issued by the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board must be followed by CPAs who audit: ( )

A:both private and public companies.
B:public companies only.
C:private companies, public companies, and nonprofit entities.
D:private companies only.
答案: public companies only.

第三章 单元测试

1、 The scope paragraph of the standard unqualified audit report states that the audit is designed to: ( )

A:discover all errors and/or irregularities.
B:discover material errors and/or irregularities.
C:conform to generally accepted accounting principles.
D:obtain reasonable assurance whether the statements are free of material misstatement.
答案: obtain reasonable assurance whether the statements are free of material misstatement.

2、 The introductory paragraph of the standard audit report states that the financial statements are: ( )

A:the responsibility of the auditor.
B:the responsibility of management.
C:the joint responsibility of management and the auditor.
D:none of the above.
答案: the responsibility of management.

3、 Which of the following is true concerning financial statements issued by a U.S. entity to the Securities and Exchange Commission? ( )

A:Financial statements can be prepared using International Financial Reporting Standards.
B:The United States now allows an auditor to perform an audit of financial statements of a U.S. entity in accordance with both GAAS and International Audit Standards.
C:The United States only allows an auditor to perform an audit of financial statement of an entity in accordance with GAAS if they are using International Financial Reporting Standards.
答案: The United States only allows an auditor to perform an audit of financial statement of an entity in accordance with GAAS if they are using International Financial Reporting Standards.

4、 AICPA professional standards provide uniform wording for the auditor’s report to enable users of the financial statements understand the audit report. ( )

答案: 对

5、 PCAOB Auditing Standard No. 2 requires the audit of internal control over financial reporting to be integrated with: ( )

A:the audit of the financial statements.
B:the quarterly review of financial information.
C:the review of annual financial statements.
D:None of the above.
答案: the audit of the financial statements.

第四章 单元测试

1、 The underlying reason for a code of professional conduct for any profession is: ( )

A:the need for public confidence in the quality of service of the profession.
B:that it provides a safeguard to keep unscrupulous people out.
C:that it is required by federal legislation.
D:that it allows licensing agencies to have a yardstick to measure deficient behavior.
答案: the need for public confidence in the quality of service of the profession.

2、 Which of the following is(are) true concerning the Ethical Principles of the Code of Professional Conduct? ( )

A:They identify ideal conduct.
B:They are general ideals and difficult to enforce.
C:I only
D:II only
E:I and II
F:Neither I nor II
答案: I only

3、 One of the AICPA’s Ethical Principles deals with the public interest. It states that members should accept the obligation to act in a way that will: ( )

A:Honor the public trust -Yes
Serve the client’s interest- Yes
B:Honor the public trust- No
Serve the client’s interest- No
C:Honor the public trust-Yes
Serve the client’s interest- No
D:Honor the public trust- No
Serve the client’s interest-Yes
答案: Honor the public trust-Yes
Serve the client’s interest- No

4、 Four of the six Ethical Principles in the AICPA’s Code of Professional Conduct are equally applicable to all members of the AICPA. Which of the following principles applies only to members in public practice? ( )

A:Scope and Nature of Services
C:Due Care
D:The Public Interest
答案: Scope and Nature of Services

5、 The Sarbanes-Oxley Act permits the auditor to perform a wide variety of non-audit services for audit clients. ( )

答案: 错

第五章 单元测试

1、 Audit risk is the risk there will be an audit failure for a given audit engagement. ( )

答案: 错

2、 In the performance of an audit, a CPA: ( )

A:is legally liable for not detecting client fraud.
B:must strictly follow GAAS for privately held clients.
C:must strictly follow PCAOB auditing standards for publicly held clients.
D:must exercise due professional care in the performance of their audit responsibilities.
答案: must exercise due professional care in the performance of their audit responsibilities.

3、 Under the laws of agency, partners of a CPA firm may be liable for the work of others on whom they rely. This would not include: ( )

A:employees of the CPA firm.
B:employees of the audit client.
C:other CPA firms engaged to do part of the audit work.
D:specialists employed by the CPA firm to provide technical advice on the audit.
答案: employees of the audit client.

4、 The assessment against a defendant of the full loss suffered by a plaintiff regardless of the extent to which other parties shared in the wrongdoing is called: ( )

A:separate and proportionate liability.
B:shared liability.
C:unitary liability.
D:joint and several liability.
答案: joint and several liability.

5、 If the CPA negligently failed to properly prepare and file a client’s tax return, the CPA may be liable for: ( )

A:the penalties the client owes the IRS.
B:the penalties and interest the client owes.
C:the penalties and interest the client owes, plus the tax preparation fee the CPA charged.
D:the penalties and interest, the tax preparation fee, and the amount of tax that was underpaid.
答案: the penalties and interest the client owes, plus the tax preparation fee the CPA charged.

第六章 单元测试

1、 The responsibility for the preparation of the financial statements and the accompanying footnotes belongs to: ( )

A:the auditor.
C:both management and the auditor equally.
D:management for the statements and the auditor for the notes.
答案: management.

2、 The auditor has no responsibility to plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance that misstatements, whether caused by errors or fraud, that are not ( ) are detected.

A:important to the financial statements
B:statistically significant to the financial statements
C:material to the financial statements
D:identified by the client
答案: material to the financial statements

3、 Which of the following is most correct with regard to the auditor’s search of indirect-effect illegal acts that may have been committed by the client? ( )

A:No reason to search unless there is sufficient evidence to believe they have occurred.
B:Same audit responsibility as the search for financial statement fraud.
C:Same audit responsibility as the search for misappropriated assets.
D:No reason to search as they would have an indirect effect on the financial statements.
答案: No reason to search unless there is sufficient evidence to believe they have occurred.

4、 Illegal acts are defined in auditing standards as: ( )

A:violations of laws or government regulations.
B:violations of laws or government regulations other than errors.
C:violations of laws or government regulations other than fraud.
D:violations of law which would result in the arrest of the perpetrator.
答案: violations of laws or government regulations other than fraud.

5、 The auditor’s first course of action when an illegal act is uncovered should be to immediately notify the appropriate authorities, including but not limited to the police, and for publicly held companies, the Securities and Exchange Commission. ( )

答案: 错

第七章 单元测试

1、 The auditor must gather sufficient and appropriate evidence during the course of the audit. Sufficient evidence must: ( )

A:be well documented and cross-referenced in the audit documents.
B:be based on sources that are external to company.
C:provide evidence that prove or disprove an audit objective/assertion.
D:be persuasive enough to enable the auditor to issue an audit report.
答案: be persuasive enough to enable the auditor to issue an audit report.

2、 2) Which one of the following is not one of the primary purposes of audit documentation prepared by the audit team? ( )

A:A basis for planning the audit.
B:A record of the evidence accumulated and the results of the tests.
C:A basis for review by supervisors and partners.
D:A basis for determining work deficiencies by peer review teams.
答案: A basis for determining work deficiencies by peer review teams.

3、 Audit evidence to support an opinion about the fairness of a client’s financial statements consists entirely of written information. ( )

答案: 错

4、 ”Physical examination” is the inspection or count by the auditor of items such as: ( )

A:cash, inventory, and payroll timecards.
B:cash, inventory, canceled checks, and sales documents.
C:cash, inventory, canceled checks, and tangible fixed assets.
D:cash, inventory, securities, notes receivable, and tangible fixed assets.
答案: cash, inventory, securities, notes receivable, and tangible fixed assets.

5、 Which of the following discoveries through the use of analytical procedures would most likely indicate a relatively high risk of financial failure? ( )

A:A decline in gross margin percentages.
B:An increase in the balance in fixed assets.
C:An increase in the ratio of allowance for uncollectible accounts to gross accounts receivable, while at the same time accounts receivable turnover also decreased.
D:A higher than normal ratio of long-term debt to net worth as well as a lower than average ratio of profits to total assets.
答案: A higher than normal ratio of long-term debt to net worth as well as a lower than average ratio of profits to total assets.

第八章 单元测试

1、 Which of the following is not correct regarding an auditor’s decision that a lower acceptable audit risk is appropriate? ( )

A:More evidence is accumulated.
B:Less evidence is accumulated.
C:Special care is required in assigning experienced staff.
D:Review of audit documentation is performed by personnel not assigned to the engagement.
答案: Less evidence is accumulated.

2、 When may the auditor refer to a specialist in the audit report? ( )

A:Only if the specialist’s report results in a modification of the audit opinion- Yes
Only if the specialist assisted in the audit of an account material to the financial statements- Yes
B:Only if the specialist’s report results in a modification of the audit opinion- No
Only if the specialist assisted in the audit of an account material to the financial
statements- No
C:Only if the specialist’s report results in a modification of the audit opinion—Yes
Only if the specialist assisted in the audit of an account material to the financial
Statements- No
D:Only if the specialist’s report results in a modification of the audit opinion- No
Only if the specialist assisted in the audit of an account material to the financial
Statements- Yes
答案: Only if the specialist’s report results in a modification of the audit opinion—Yes
Only if the specialist assisted in the audit of an account material to the financial
Statements- No

3、 Most auditors assess inherent risk as high for related parties and related-party transactions because: ( )

A:of the unique classification of related-party transactions required on the balance sheet.
B:of the lack of independence between the parties.
C:of the unique classification of related-party transactions required on the income statement.
D:it is required by generally accepted accounting principles.
答案: of the lack of independence between the parties.


Two categories of audit–relevant information found in corporate code of ethics are authorizations and discussions of matters affecting inherent risk.

答案: 错


Acceptable audit risk is a measure of the auditor’s willingness to accept that the financial statements do not contain material misstatements after the audit is completed and a qualified audit report has been issued.

答案: 错

第九章 单元测试

1、 If an auditor establishes a relatively high level for materiality, then the auditor will: ( )

A:accumulate more evidence than if a lower level had been set.
B:accumulate less evidence than if a lower level had been set.
C:accumulate approximately the same evidence as would be the case were materiality lower.
D:accumulate an undetermined amount of evidence.
答案: accumulate less evidence than if a lower level had been set.

2、 When allocating materiality, most practitioners choose to allocate to: ( )

A:the income statement accounts because they are more important.
B:the balance sheet accounts because there are fewer.
C:both balance sheet and income statement accounts because there could be errors on either.
D:all of the financial statements because it is required by GAAS.
答案: the balance sheet accounts because there are fewer.

3、 The preliminary judgment on materiality is compared to an estimated total misstatements to determine if an account balance is materially misstated. ( )

答案: 对

4、 If acceptable audit risk is low, and inherent risk and control risk are both low, then planned detection risk should be high. ( )

答案: 对


The five steps in applying materiality are listed below in random order.  (  )

①Estimate the combined misstatement.

②Estimate the total misstatement in the segment.

③Set preliminary judgment about materiality.

④Allocate preliminary judgment about materiality to segments.

⑤Compare combined estimate with preliminary judgment about materiality.

The first three steps in correct sequence would be:



C: ②⑤①

答案: ③④②







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