庄子寓言及其智慧(华南理工大学) 中国大学慕课答案2024版100分完整版


Module 1 Introduction Test for Module 1

1、 问题:Which is not covered in the first module?
A:Who is Zhuangzi
B:How important is Zhuangzi
C:Zhuangzi’s ideal life
D:Zhuangzi’s death
答案: 【Zhuangzi’s death】

2、 问题:How do we understand “when someone fails, he is always a Daoist(Taoist)”?
A:Daoist(Taoist) believers always fail
B:Successful people do not believe in Daoism (Taoism)
C:Daoism (Taoism) can console people who fail
D:Daoism (Taoism) can make people more ambitious
答案: 【Daoism (Taoism) can console people who fail】

3、 问题:Who did the teacher invite to introduce Zhuangzi’s life story?
A:Guo Xiang
B:Sima Qian
C:Lin Yutang
D:Burton Watson
答案: 【Sima Qian】

4、 问题:What did Zhuangzi do when King Wei of Chu offered him a good position?
A:He happily accepted the job
B:He reluctantly accepted the job
C:He refused the job directly
D:He refused the job by telling a story
答案: 【He refused the job by telling a story】

5、 问题:Which of the following description about the times when Zhuangzi lived is true?
A:Zhou unified all the warring states
B:Qin unified all the warring states
C:Different schools of philosophy appeared
D:There were few wars though many states
答案: 【Different schools of philosophy appeared】

6、 问题:What made Zhuangzi turn to Dao according to Mr. Zhang Yuanshan?
A:The influence of Laozi.
B:The disappointment of politics
C:A hundred schools
D:The cruelty of Qin Shi Huang
答案: 【The disappointment of politics】

7、 问题:What is the relationship between Laozi and Zhuangzi according to Lin Yutang?
A:Zhuangzi is a colleague of Laozi
B:Zhuangzi actually disagrees Laozi
C:Laozi is a rival of Zhuagnzi
D:Laozi is followed by Zhuagnzi
答案: 【Laozi is followed by Zhuagnzi】

8、 问题:Which of the following opinion is from Martin Palmer?
A:Zhuangzi fully developed the Taoistic thesis
B:Zhuangzi is an original, enjoyable thinker
C:Zhuangzi is the best prose writer in China
D:Zhuangzi wrote serious stories
答案: 【Zhuangzi is an original, enjoyable thinker】

9、 问题:About the Book of Zhuangzi, which of the following statement is incorrect?
A:All the chapters are dated to be written before 200 BC
B:It was divided into three parts, including the “inner chapters”, the “outer chapters” and the “miscellaneous chapters”
C:It was named after Zhuangzi and he completed the thirty-three chapters
D:It is a collection of several distinctive lines of Daoist thought
答案: 【It was named after Zhuangzi and he completed the thirty-three chapters】

10、 问题:About the influence of the Book of Zhuangzi, all the following statements are correct, except ___.
A:It has exerted great influence upon the creation of novels in Chinese history
B:The characters in Dream of the Red Chamber think highly of the Book of Zhuangzi
C:The main character in Dream of the Red Chamber and often turns to the Book of Zhuangzi for comfort
D:The author of Dream of the Red Chamber looked down upon the thoughts in the Book of Zhuangzi
答案: 【The author of Dream of the Red Chamber looked down upon the thoughts in the Book of Zhuangzi】

11、 问题:About the translation of the book Zhuangzi, which of the following statement is incorrect?
A:Among all the existing translations, they generally have varied features
B:For the complexity of this book, it’s not easy to put it into another language
C:Some sinologists such as Herbert Giles, Victor H. Mair have provided their translations
D:There are no complete English translations of all the thirty-three chapters at present
答案: 【There are no complete English translations of all the thirty-three chapters at present】

12、 问题:What is the major reason that the book Zhuangzi attracts lots of modern Western readers?
A:Because its ideas are contrary to that of the Western philosophical builders
B:For its thoroughgoing naturalism, philosophical subtlety, and sophisticated humor
C:Because many excellent translated versions are provided to readers all over the world
D:For its poetic style that had never appeared in the Western literary world
答案: 【For its thoroughgoing naturalism, philosophical subtlety, and sophisticated humor】

13、 问题:From what we have learned about Zhuangzi, which of the following statement is wrong?
A:Zhuangzi was an official in a small town and didn’t have a high official rank
B:To explain his thought more clearly, Zhuangzi used many fascinating stories in his book
C:The book Zhuangzi is addressed to the sage-ruler and primarily concerns public life
D:Zhuangzi’s thoughts exerted great influence on the development of Buddhism and Chinese philosophy
答案: 【The book Zhuangzi is addressed to the sage-ruler and primarily concerns public life】

14、 问题:What’s the true wisdom that the book Zhuangzi has brought to us?
A:It emphasizes the value of naturalness and simplicity and teaches us to follow the essence of the Dao (Tao)
B:It emphasizes that success does not lie in practice but in the “unconsciousness”
C:It stresses the importance of persistence and warns us not to “go with the flow”
D:It tells us that the highest proficiency of skill is attained only by those who have great ambition
答案: 【It emphasizes the value of naturalness and simplicity and teaches us to follow the essence of the Dao (Tao)】

15、 问题:Which story is chosen as the first story to show the charisma of Zhuangzi’s text?
A:Zhuangzi Dreamed of Being a Butterfly
B:The Happy Fish
C:The Tale of the Peng Bird
D:Cook Ding Carves a Cow
答案: 【Zhuangzi Dreamed of Being a Butterfly】

16、 问题:What is cosmologist Stephen Hawking’s interpretation of the story here?
A:The world is changing all the time
B:We can make use of the uselessness
C:We can’t really tell reality from dreams
D:Practice makes perfect
答案: 【We can’t really tell reality from dreams】

17、 问题:What was Zhuangzi ‘s reply to the fish in the rut?
A:He said he would save the fish immediately by pouring water on it
B:He said he had no time to save the fish
C:He said he didn’t have extra water to save the fish
D:He said he will redirect the water from a river to save the fish
答案: 【He said he will redirect the water from a river to save the fish】

18、 问题:What is the feature of the story?
A:Very common image
B:Sarcastic effect
C:Description of poverty
D:Fancy language
答案: 【Sarcastic effect】

19、 问题:Which sentence in the story is most commonly quoted?
A:This is what the fish enjoy doing
B:You not being a fish, from where can you possibly know what fish really enjoy
C:You not being I, from where can you know that I don’t know what fish enjoy?
D:As for from where, of course from my own feelings on this bridge
答案: 【You not being a fish, from where can you possibly know what fish really enjoy】

20、 问题:What do many Sinologist think of the story?
A:It resembles Western philosophic reasoning.
B:It is the most intricate dialectical reasoning in China
C:It is very difficult to follow, especially the sentence given by Hui Shi
D:It is the most quoted Chinese story
答案: 【It resembles Western philosophic reasoning.】

21、 问题:All the following statements about the giant bird are correct, except_____.
A:It is transformed from the giant fish
B:Its back is thousands of miles long
C:It rests whenever it felt tired.
D:Its wings are like clouds all around the sky
答案: 【It rests whenever it felt tired.】

22、 问题:Why the giant bird in the story could fly to the Southern Ocean?
A:Because it had endless power and energy
B:Because it made full use of the strength of accumulation
C:Because it did not cost much energy when on rainy days
D:Because it has great wings to support
答案: 【Because it made full use of the strength of accumulation】

23、 问题:What did Hui Shi actually want to say when he took the mushroom and the cicada as examples?
A:It’s very common that everyone has his or her limitation
B:The life of the mushroom and the cicada are short
C:It is the fault of the mushroom or the cicada that they couldn’t stand the test of time
D:Only lives longer can one see and experience more

答案: 【It’s very common that everyone has his or her limitation】

24、 问题:All the following statements about the story of the little sparrow are correct, except ___.
A:There is the inevitable difference between the little sparrow and the giant bird
B:It’s unnecessary to look down upon the little sparrow due to its smallness
C:It is normal that the little sparrow also wanted to travel a long journey to the South
D:No matter the little sparrow or the giant bird, they all have their own greatness
答案: 【It is normal that the little sparrow also wanted to travel a long journey to the South】

25、 问题:All of the following statements are correct, except_____.
A:Even though Zhuangzi and Hui Shi were best friends, they still had quarrels and disagreements
B:Zhuangzi wanted to replace Hui Shi to become the prime minister of the State of Liang
C:Hui Shi got really angry and ordered a search for the strangers when he heard that Zhuangzi wanted to replace his official position
D:Instead of being intimidated, Zhuangzi came to meet Hui Shi in person
答案: 【Zhuangzi wanted to replace Hui Shi to become the prime minister of the State of Liang】

26、 问题:What does the story of a crow eating a dead rat imply?
A:It’s important for people to be alert to others
B:Broad-minded people can always be free from the other people’s jealousy
C:People should never envy the wealth of others
D:Zhuangzi never considered fame and fortune to be very important
答案: 【Zhuangzi never considered fame and fortune to be very important】

Module 2 On Behavior Test for Module 2

1、 问题:What is the topic of the second module?
A:How to conduct oneself in the society
B:How to face life and death
C:How to live in harmony with nature
D:How to be a good learner.
答案: 【How to conduct oneself in the society】

2、 问题:What is Qu Boyu’s advice to Yan He?
A:Refuse the Duke’s offer and just be a civilian
B:Obey whatever the young man says and protect himself
C:Be a strict teacher and don’t be afraid of the danger
D:Teach him in a wise way that would not anger him
答案: 【Teach him in a wise way that would not anger him】

3、 问题:Which of the following behaviors is similar to that of a mantis?
A:Over estimate oneself and set too high a goal
B:Don’t pay too much attention to fame and wealth
C:Be courageous and fight your enemies fearlessly
D:Finish the game even if you know you are losing
答案: 【Over estimate oneself and set too high a goal】

4、 问题:How were the sales when the hat seller tried to sell his hats in the state of Yue?
A:The hats were sold out quickly
B:There were only a few buyers
C:People did not buy his hats
D:He gave out the hats for free
答案: 【People did not buy his hats】

5、 问题:What can we learn from the story the Hat Seller from Song?
A:A good salesman should have good communication skills
B:We should not jump to a conclusion before we make any investigation
C:Practice makes perfect
D:Beauty is only skin deep, so don’t pay too much attention to your appearance
答案: 【We should not jump to a conclusion before we make any investigation】

6、 问题:Why does Zi Sang sing songs about poverty?
A:It has been raining for 10 days
B:He has no money to send for a doctor
C:He blames his parents and heavy for making him poor
D:He tries to find the reason why he is so poor
答案: 【He tries to find the reason why he is so poor】

7、 问题:What can we learn about fate from the story Zi Sang Sings about Poverty?
A:Fate isn’t something that we cannot change
B:It’s useless to complain about fate.
C:We should always try to fight with our fate
D:Accept our fate means yield to our fate
答案: 【It’s useless to complain about fate.】

8、 问题:What did Confucius do when he was surrounded by a crowd of people and mistaken as a criminal?
A:He tried to explain that he was not the criminal
B:He talked to his students and asked them to go
C:He just sat singing and playing a zither
D:He was scared and tried to escape.
答案: 【He just sat singing and playing a zither】

9、 问题:Which story resembles the story What is Courage?
A:Yang Yuhuan the beauty makes the flowers shy
B:Xiang Yu committed suicide at Wu Jiang
C:Empty Fort Strategy by Zhuge Liang
D:Dong Guo got bitten by a wolf he had saved
答案: 【Empty Fort Strategy by Zhuge Liang】

10、 问题:What did Xu You do when Yao tried to persuade him to take the throne?
A:He refused to see Yao
B:He refused to take over
C:He agreed to take it after Yao’s death
D:He recommended someone else to take it
答案: 【He refused to take over】

11、 问题:According to the story Xu You Refuses the Throne, how can we achieve true wisdom?
A:By learning more knowledge
B:By observing the world
C:By resisting the temptation of fame
D:By making good friends
答案: 【By resisting the temptation of fame】

12、 问题:When Yue the goat butcher was offer a position of one of the most distinguished nobles, what did he do?
A:He happily accepted the offer
B:He accepted the offer with hesitation
C:He refused the offer with hesitation
D:He firmly refused the offer
答案: 【He firmly refused the offer】

13、 问题:What can we learn from Yue the goat butcher?
A:Remain true to your origin goal
B:Follow your leader even when he has lost his power
C:Position is more important than money
D:Knowledge can lead to eloquence
答案: 【Remain true to your origin goal】

14、 问题:When Yan Hui replied that he had enough basics and was contented and he didn’t want any positions, what was Confucius’ response?
A:He continued persuade Yan Hui
B:He said nothing and left
C:He partially agreed with Yan Hui
D:He marveled at Yan Hui’s reply
答案: 【He marveled at Yan Hui’s reply】

15、 问题:In the story of Yan Hui Refuses Office, to which question different people will have different answers
A:What is knowledge?
B:How much is enough?
C:What is perfect life?
D:How to be happy?
答案: 【How much is enough?】

16、 问题:Which of the following would Yi Dai NOT do?
A:Flies low and slowly
B:Hide itself among other birds
C:Always be the last to rest
D:Do not take the first mouthful
答案: 【Always be the last to rest】

17、 问题:According to the story Yi Dai the Bird Avoids Dangers, the famous quote “If I have seen a little further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants” shows _____.
A:We all need to find the giant in our life
B:Newton is a modest person
C:The importance of knowledge
D:Newton is a famous physicist
答案: 【Newton is a modest person】

18、 问题:What happened to the special monkey finally?
A:He caught all the arrows shooting at him
B:He ran away into the bushes
C:He begged for life and was spared
D:He was killed and taken to the king
答案: 【He was killed and taken to the king】

19、 问题:In what ways are the showy monkey and the gnat similar?
A:They both had good skills and wanted to show off
B:They both are modest and have good skills
C:They both know what to do at the right time
D:They both got killed by human beings
答案: 【They both had good skills and wanted to show off】

Module 3 On Craftsmanship Test for Module 3

1、 问题:Which one of the following statements is not the reason for Cook Ding’s perfect craftsmanship?
A:He had practiced carving oxen for more than 3 years.
B:He had spent much patience when facing the complicated situations.
C:He could carve the ox based on the natural skeletal structure.
D:His knife was the sharpest one in the world.
答案: 【His knife was the sharpest one in the world.】

2、 问题:What’s the main implication of the fable of Cook Ding Carving the Ox?
A:What is most difficult in life is also most useful in life.
B:The criterion of success is to reach the peak of perfection.
C:It’s significant for a man to be ambitious if he wants to succeed.
D:The essence of success is to be concentrated and search for the appropriate method.
答案: 【The essence of success is to be concentrated and search for the appropriate method.】

3、 问题:According to Zhuangzi’s viewpoints on craftsmanship, which one of the following statements is correct?
A:It’s unlikely that people can master a skill to perfection.
B:It’s full of excitement when we learn something new.
C:It’s essential to keep practicing a skill so as to master it perfectly.
D:It’s pragmatic to keep updated with all the new inventions.
答案: 【It’s essential to keep practicing a skill so as to master it perfectly.】

4、 问题:According to the fable Swimming in a Waterfall, which statement is correct about the man in the rushing water?
A:He was in a bad mood.
B:He was good at swimming.
C:He wanted to commit suicide.
D:He was looking for something.
答案: 【He was good at swimming.】

5、 问题:What is the main implication of the fable Swimming in a Waterfall?
A:Talent is more important than other things.
B:When we are in danger, we must help each other.
C:The method of success is to follow nature.
D:If we want to achieve success, we must make arduous efforts.
答案: 【The method of success is to follow nature.】

6、 问题:Which one of the following statements is incorrect according to the fable the Dragon-Slayer?
A:Zhu Pingman had a big dream of slaying the dragon.
B:Zhu Pingman’s skill of slaying the dragon was not practical in real life.
C:Zhu Pingman failed to master the skill of slaying the dragon.
D:Zhu Pingman studied the art of slaying the dragon under Zhi Liyi.
答案: 【Zhu Pingman failed to master the skill of slaying the dragon.】

7、 问题:What does the fable the Dragon-Slayer mainly want to convey?
A:It costs great time and energy to learn a skill.
B:Whatever skills we learn, we should persist in it.
C:Skills should be learned with an eye to practical needs.
D:We should make full use of every opportunity to learn skills.
答案: 【Skills should be learned with an eye to practical needs.】

8、 问题:Why did the hunchback catch the cicadas so easily in the fable Catching Cicadas?
A:Because he relied on it for a living.
B:Because he was willing to learn from others.
C:Because he had a talent for catching cicadas.
D:Because he concentrated on it and practiced it for a long time.
答案: 【Because he concentrated on it and practiced it for a long time.】

9、 问题:What did Confucius actually want to tell his disciples in the fable Catching Cicadas?
A:It’s important for people to keep modest.
B:One cannot achieve success without expert skills.
C:Nothing is impossible as long as people strive to do their best.
D:An undistracted mind brings concentration of the spirit to do things well.
答案: 【An undistracted mind brings concentration of the spirit to do things well.】

10、 问题:Why could the ferryman steer the boat at ease in the fable Steering a Boat?
A:Because he was born to be good at steering.
B:Because he had great interest in steering.
C:Because he was familiar with the conditions that are similar to steering a boat.
D:Because he was brave and was not afraid of any danger.
答案: 【Because he was familiar with the conditions that are similar to steering a boat.】

11、 问题:Which of the following statements is correct about the fable Steering a Boat?
A:Nothing is impossible as long as we persist in it.
B:The most important factor for success is confidence.
C:It’s important for us to face challenges and never flinch in front of difficulties.
D:It is a fable between Confucius and his disciple Yan Hui.
答案: 【It is a fable between Confucius and his disciple Yan Hui.】

12、 问题:According to the fable Perfect Archery, why did Liezi fail to shoot when he was on the top of the mountain?
A:Because there wasn’t a cup of water on his arm.
B:Because he was too frightened to calm down.
C:Because climbing the mountain had exhausted all his energy.
D:Because he didn’t want to show off his archery before Bohun Wuren.
答案: 【Because he was too frightened to calm down.】

13、 问题:What can we learn from the fable Perfect Archery?
A:Do not judge the book by its cover.
B:Nothing is more important than life.
C:We have to pay great attentions to the surrounding environment all the time.
D:The highest state of mind is to get rid of external interference.
答案: 【The highest state of mind is to get rid of external interference.】

14、 问题:Which one of the following statements is incorrect according to the fable No Distractions?
A:The old man became interested in making belt hooks when he was young.
B:The old man had excellent skill in making belt hooks.
C:The old man’s belt hooks were appreciated by a senior official.
D:It was common that belt hook makers did the best in their eighties.
答案: 【It was common that belt hook makers did the best in their eighties.】

15、 问题:According to the fable No Distractions, what was the main reason that the old man could make fantastic belt hooks?
A:He had a gift for it.
B:He started to learn it earlier than others.
C:He focused all his attention on it.
D:He was unable to try other skills.
答案: 【He focused all his attention on it.】

16、 问题:Which one of the following statements is incorrect according to the fable Learning How to Walk in Handan?
A:The young boy in the fable could only crawl back to Yan.
B:The young boy in the fable failed to go to Handan.
C:Both Zhao and Yan were the states in the Warring States period.
D:The people in Handan were famous for their walking posture.
答案: 【The young boy in the fable failed to go to Handan.】

17、 问题:What’s the main implication of the fable Learning How to Walk in Handan?
A:We should learn from others humbly.
B:Only by persistence can we learn something well.
C:We shouldn’t lose ourselves when we try to learn from others.
D:Interest is the most significant factor in learning.
答案: 【We shouldn’t lose ourselves when we try to learn from others.】

18、 问题:According to the fable Qing Makes a Bell-stand, why did Qing wait for several days before going into the forest?
A:Because he had to take a good rest.
B:Because he was considering the payment.
C:Because he was worried about his poor craftsmanship.
D:Because he had to remove all the external distractions.
答案: 【Because he had to remove all the external distractions.】

19、 问题:According to the fable Qing Makes a Bell Stand, which one of the following statements is not the reason for Qing to make fantastic bell stands.
A:He worked in accordance with nature.
B:He concentrated on making bell stands.
C:He kept making bell stands without a rest.
D:He observed the trees carefully to choose the right shape.
答案: 【He kept making bell stands without a rest.】







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