大学英语Ⅱ(河南农业大学) 中国大学mooc答案满分完整版章节测试


Unit 1 Ways of Learning Test 1

1、 Circumstances will force us finally to ______ this policy.

答案: adopt

2、 Don’t ______ to water the plants.

答案: neglect

3、 The young army officer was ______ captain.

答案: promoted

4、 The government is trying to do something to_better understanding between the two

答案: promote

5、 Everyone in the city has_to the large collection of books on various subjects in the city’s public library.

答案: access

6、 This train ticket is__ for five days.

答案: valid

7、 Television programs may,____, not be very interesting, but this is because they are aimed
at the average level of the audience.

答案: on occasion

8、 This article deals with the natural__ which is most interesting to everyone.

答案: phenomenon

9、 Only under special circumstances__ to take make-up tests.

答案: are freshmen permitted

10、 Professor Li spent almost all his time doing his research, but,____, he would take his son to
watch a football match.

答案: on occasion

11、 I am _____ to believe that she won’t come back to see her husband again.

答案: inclined

12、 We welcome rain, but a(n) _____ large amount of rainfall will cause floods.

答案: extremely

13、 He would say nothing about the crime; even when his lawyer questioned him, he remained ______.

答案: dumb

14、 I wonder if you would mind_you for a moment.

答案: my interrupting

15、 For two and a half years, the Wrights lived a_of uncertainty, consulting specialist after

答案: nightmare

16、 These are some features that_spoken English from written English.

答案: distinguish

17、 A bridge can be ______ a structure getting over an obstacle, such as a river, a road or railways.

答案: defined as

18、 A peculiarly pointed chin is his most memorable facial_.

答案: feature

19、 Martin decided to leave the company to_his own as a writer.

答案: strike out on

20、 The old man showed little _____ of good music, but was crazy about bird singing.

答案: appreciation

Unit 2 Values Test 2

1、 Wherever there his matter, there is energy; all changes of matter_changes in the form of the energy.

答案: involve

2、 Just take a try of our chocolate. The taste will__ in your mouth!

答案: linger

3、 The purpose of the law is to protect the right of the ______.


答案: individual

4、 The excuse for her absence was obviously______.

答案: fabricated

5、 You__ him so closely; you should have kept your distance.

答案: shouldn’t have been following

6、 He saw plainly that Jane was on the verge of a terrible ______ in her marriage.

答案: crisis

7、 Though badly damaged by fire, the palace was eventually ______ to its original splendour.

答案: restored

8、 Her brother and Pleyel were awakened and brought to her ______ by the mysterious voice.

答案: aid

9、 Her travels have ______ her belief that no country is better or worse than any other.

答案: confirmed

10、 The people who objected to the new approach were told that since work had already started there was no point in_.

答案: protesting

11、 I wonder if you would mind_you for a moment.

答案: my interrupting

12、 We managed to reach the top of the mountain, and half an hour later we began to_.

答案: descend

13、 From the map you can see Scotland ______ on England.

答案: borders

14、 For many patients, institutional care is the most_and beneficial form of care.

答案: appropriate

15、 They are going to have the serviceman_an electric fan in the office tomorrow.

答案: install

16、 Mary was short and plump, her mother who was tall and willowy.

答案: in contrast to

17、 The old couple had__ incredible hardships during the war.

答案: gone through

18、 As an old saying goes, happiness is__ good health and a bad memory.

答案: nothing more than

19、 You ought to have been told, an old friend of the family.

答案: being

20、 The industry is of importance to the national economy.

答案: vital






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