中国大学mooc慕课 英语语法(常熟理工学院) 答案满分完整版章节测试


作业1. Grammatical Hierarchy 语法层次 Homework of Grammatical Hierarchy

1、 What is the root/roots of the word “blackboard”?
评分规则:  答案:black和board。全部答对得分

2、 What is the inflectional morpheme in the word “running”?
评分规则:  答案:-ing。答对得分。

3、 Among “because”, “must” and “Smith”, which word(s) is/are open class word(s).
评分规则:  答案:Smith。答对得分。

4、 Is “arrangement” a compound?
评分规则:  答案:No。答对得分。它是一个派生词,词根arrange,后缀-ment。

5、 Is “conduct” a derivitive?
评分规则:  答案:Yes。答对得分。该词属于原始派生词,其中-duct是组合形式,con-是前缀。

6、 Is “in spite of” a prepositional phrase?
评分规则:  答案:No。答对得分。in spite of只是介词,介词词组必须带介词宾语。

7、 I am sure he knows everything about it.In the above sentences, is the italicized part an independent clause or a subordinate clause?
评分规则:  答案:a subordinate clause。答对得分。它只是整个句子中的一个分句成分,并非独立使用。

8、 He said that he knew nothing.In the above sentences, is the italicized part a subordinate simple clause?
评分规则:  答案:yes。答对得分。只含一个主谓结构因此是简单分句,但非独立使用。

9、 答案: Sentence

2、 The affix can be divided into two types: inflectional and _____.

答案: derivational

3、 A _____ verb phrase is a main verb preceded by an auxiliary or auxiliaries and it may also contain modifiers.

答案: complex

4、 When a clause is marked by the absence of any form of verb element, it is a _____ clause.

答案: verbless

5、 a _____ can be defined as a grammatical unit that can stand by itself and perform a communicative function.

答案: sentence

6、 The general pattern of a prepositional phrase is: (modifier+) preposition + complementation.

答案: 正确

7、 ”What you said is not true.” is an independent complex clause.

答案: 正确

8、 In “Inviting your sister was not a great decision.”, “inviting your sister” is a nonfinite clause.

答案: 正确

9、 The suffix “-er” in the word “worker” is an inflectional morpheme.

答案: 错误

10、 A derivational affix is one that is added to the beginning or the end of a word in order to create a new word.

答案: 正确

11、 a _____ sentence is a sentence that comprises only one independent clause.
答案: simple

12、 The root of the word “unfriendlyness” is _____.
答案: friend

13、 The root of the word “receive” is _____.
答案: ceive

14、 Derivational affixes can be divided into prefixes and _____.
答案: suffixes

15、 The _____ phrase is a phrase with an adverb as its head.
答案: adverb

作业2.Clause Structure 分句结构 Homework of Clause Structure

1、 Under the table is lying a cat.What is the subject of the above sentence?
评分规则:  a cat.

2、 Customer: Have you ever shaved a man with a wooden leg?Hairdresser: No. I always use a razor.Which part of the question of the customer in the above dialogue is ambiguous?
评分规则:  可以回答:with a wooden leg,也可以回答:adverbial

3、 Tom is a kind person.What element is “a kind person” in the above sentence?
评分规则:  可以回答subject complement或complement.但前者更准确。

4、 John killed a rich man.John died a rich man.Whether the above two clauses have the same clause pattern?
评分规则:  回答No即可得满分. 第一句是SVO结构,第二句是SVC结构。

5、 Money can buy you love.Money can buy your love.Whether the above two clauses have the same clause pattern?
评分规则:  回答No即可得满分. 第一句是SVoO结构,第二句是SVO结构。

2.Clause Structure 分句结构 Text of Clause Structure

1、 When I asked which of the children was his daughter, he pointed to a little girl _____.

答案: in a blue dress who was feeding a duck

2、 I was born in a little town in the south of Taiwan.What clause patten does the above clause belong do?

答案: SVC

3、 My grandma called the saleman a cheat.What clause patten does the above clause belong do?

答案: SVOC

4、 What pet do you keep?What clause patten does the above clause belong do?

答案: SVO

5、 The core elements of a clause are subject and _____.

答案: predicate

6、 Attribute is not a clause element.

答案: 正确

7、 There are a few verbs that must be followed by adverbials in SV and SVO patterns, which give rise to two other sentence patterns: SVA and SVOA.

答案: 正确

8、 The five basic sentence patterns in English are SV, SVC, SVO, SVoO and SVA.

答案: 错误

9、 The difference of clause patterns is largely determined by the type of predicate verb.

答案: 正确

10、 In the sentence “As a result, they were evicted from their house.”, “as a result” is an adverbial.

答案: 正确

11、 In the sentence “He died a rich man.”, the noun phrase “a rich man” acts as a(n) _____ in the sentence.
答案: (以下答案任选其一都对)subject complement;

12、 According to the idea of hierarchy, sentences are based on _____.
答案: clauses

13、 The subject of the sentence “What he told me to do was that I should get fully prepared before the interview.” is _____.
答案: What he told me to do

14、 The complement can be divided into subject complement and _____.
答案: object complement

15、 The object can be divided into direct object and _____.
答案: indirect object

作业3. Clause Elements 分句成分 Homework of Clause Elements

1、 Are non-personal subjects common in English sentences?
评分规则:  Yes.

2、 Is a verb in a sentence necessarily the predicate of the sentence?
评分规则:  No. (解释:Non-finite verbs cannot be used as predicates in sentences.)

3、 Is an object a necessary component of a sentence?
评分规则:  No. (解释:SV, SVC等句型中并不需要宾语)

4、 Blue really becomes you.What sentence element does “you” serve in the sentence above?
评分规则:  object. (解释:become在句子中是一个及物动词,表示“适合”,因此you是它的宾语。)

5、 Leifeng died a hero’s death.What sentence element does “a hero’s death” serve in the sentence above?
评分规则:  object. (解释:在这个句子中a hero’s death是一类特殊的宾语,被称为“同源宾语”,除了同源宾语外,die不能接其他正常的宾语。其他的例子还有:He lived a dog’s life. He dreamt a beautiful dream.)

3. Clause Elements 分句成分 Text of Clause Elements

1、 The artist was born poor, so poor he remained all his life.Which underlined part of the above sentence is wrong?

答案: C. so

2、 To err is human; to forgive, divine.The two infinitives in the above sentence act as _____.

答案: subject

3、 The _____ determines the object and complement of a sentence.

答案: predicate 

4、 Taylor, 79, died of congestive heart failure at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, where she had been hospitalized for about six weeks.Which is the predicate of the above sentence?

答案: died

5、 Many people consider impossible what really is possible.Which is the object of the above sentence?

答案: what really is possible

6、 He put away the book on the desk.”On the desk” in the above sentence is an adverbial.

答案: 错误

7、 He acted stupid.”Stupid” in the above sentence is an adverbial.

答案: 错误

8、 Don’t grow old; grow up.”Old” and “up” are adverbials in the above sentence.

答案: 错误

9、 An object always comes after its predicate verb.

答案: 错误

10、 An indirect object in a sentence always refers to a person or an animal.

答案: 错误

11、 I sent her some flowers for Mother’s Day.The direct object of the above sentence is _____.
答案: some flowers

12、 John saved me a seat last night.The indirect object of the above sentence is _____.
答案: me

13、 I will make your English better.”Better” in the above sentence is a(n)_____.
答案: (以下答案任选其一都对)complement;
object complement

14、 The meeting is over.”Over” in the above sentence is a(n)_____.
答案: (以下答案任选其一都对)complement;
subject complement;

15、 He put the book on the desk.”On the desk” in the above sentence is a(n)_____.
答案: adverbial

作业4. Subject-verb Concord 主谓一致 Homework of Subject-verb Concord

1、 Subject-verb concord refers to agreement in number between the _____ and the predicate verb.
评分规则:  subject

2、 There are three principles guiding subject-verb concord: principle of grammatical concord, principle of notional concord and principle of _____.
评分规则:  proximity

3、 选择括号中恰当的动词填空。All of the information _____(is/are) useful.
评分规则:  is。all可以指代不可数名词或复数名词。在这个句子中all指代不可数名词information,所以谓语用单数is。

4、 用括号中动词的恰当形式填空。Thirty pounds _____(seem) a reasonable price.
评分规则:  seems。表示时间、重量、数额等复数名词作主语我们通常将它们看成一个整体,即特定的一段时间、一个重量或一种数额。所以谓语用单数。

5、 选择括号中恰当的动词填空。A couple of my friends _____(is/are) coming to seem me.
评分规则:  are。the majority of(大多数)、a number of(许多)、a couple of(两个或几个)等后面都接复数名词,都用复数谓语动词。

4. Subject-verb Concord 主谓一致 Text of Subject-verb Concord

1、 His politics _____ extreme.

答案: are

2、 The unemployment statistics _____ disturbing.

答案: are

3、 On exhibition there _____ a great variety of consumer goods.

答案: are

4、 There _____ a pair of pliers on the worktable.

答案: is

5、 Not only the mother, but also the children _____ present.

答案: are

6、 Determine whether the subject-verb concord in the following sentence is correct.A word or two is misused in this sentence.

答案: 正确

7、 Determine whether the subject-verb concord in the following sentence is correct.One or two words are misused in this sentence.

答案: 正确

8、 Determine whether the subject-verb concord in the following sentence is correct.John is the only one of my friends who have been to Africa.

答案: 错误

9、 Determine whether the subject-verb concord in the following sentence is correct.This species are found only in the Southern Hemisphere.

答案: 错误

10、 Determine whether the subject-verb concord in the following sentence is correct.More than one topic has been discussed in the class.

答案: 正确

11、 Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in the bracket.How close parents are to their children _____(have) a strong influence on the character of the children.
答案: has

12、 Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in the bracket.A ship carrying hundreds of tourists _____(enter) the harbor every Friday.
答案: enters

13、 Choose the appropriate verb in brackets to fill in the blank.This kind of apples ____(is/are) sweet.
答案: is

14、 Choose the appropriate verb in brackets to fill in the blank.We only use three rooms. The rest _____(is/are) empty.
答案: are

15、 Choose the appropriate verb in brackets to fill in the blank.He or I _____(am/is/are) going to answer the question.
答案: am

作业5. Noun and Noun Phrase 名词和名词短语 Homework of Noun and Noun Phrase

1、 Notionally, nouns are divided into two major categories, _____ nouns and common nouns.
评分规则:  proper

2、 Grammatically, common nouns fall into two types: count nouns and _____ nouns.
评分规则:  non-count

3、 _____ is a grammatical term that is an inflectional suffix representing the semantic relationship between a noun and other words.
评分规则:  Case

4、 A genitive used independently without a following noun may be termed as an _____ genitive.
评分规则:  independent

5、 The prepositional phrase (usually an of-phrase) that takes an independent genitive as complementation is called a _____ genitive.
评分规则:  double

5. Noun and Noun Phrase 名词和名词短语 Text of Noun and Noun Phrase

1、 Most air pollution is caused by the burning ‍of fuel like coal, gas and oil.Which underlined word is not correct?

答案: C. fuel

2、 Though the buildings are not as beautiful as I expect, I am much pleased with my surrounding.Which underlined word is not correct?

答案: D. surrounding

3、 One thousand dollars a month is not a fortune but would help cover my living expense.Which underlined part is not correct?

答案: D. expense

4、 Which of the following italicized phrases indicates a subject-predicate relation?

答案: B. The visitor’s arrival was reported in the news.

5、 _____ see most of the game. Choose the most suitable word to fill in the blank.

答案: Lookers-on

6、 Determine whether the following sentence is correct.The daughter of Mr. Yang is my classmate.

答案: 错误

7、 Determine whether the following sentence is correct.A book of a writer’s is very popular.

答案: 错误

8、 Determine whether the following sentence is correct.A leg of the desk’s is broken.

答案: 错误

9、 Determine whether the following sentence is correct.This is the most common disease of humanities.

答案: 错误

10、 Determine whether the following sentence is correct.This is a four-hundred-feet-high building.

答案: 正确

11、 Choose the appropriate word in brackets to fill in the blank.He has too _____(much/many) family.
答案: much

12、 Choose the appropriate word in brackets to fill in the blank.There is _____(egg/eggs) on your coat.
答案: egg

13、 Choose the appropriate word in brackets to fill in the blank.The _____(bicycle’s/bicycle) shop is around the corner.
答案: bicycle

14、 Choose the appropriate word in brackets to fill in the blank._____(Peter/Peter’s) and Mary’s car broke down again, but luckily they knew how to fix it.
答案: Peter

15、 Choose the appropriate word in brackets to fill in the blank.A book of _____(Tom/Tom’s) is on the desk.
答案: Tom’s

作业6. Determiners (1) 限定词1 Homework of Determiers (1)

1、 Do cardinal numerals belong to determiners?
评分规则:  yes

2、 I saw both the boys at his class.How many determiners are there in the above sentences?
评分规则:  three. (both, the, his)回答到three即得满分。

3、 The half students are from class 2.Is the above sentence correct or not?
评分规则:  No. (解析:the是中位限定词,half是前位限定词,两种并列half应置于the之前)

4、 He had few chance to take part in the activity.Is the above sentence correct or not?
评分规则:  No.(解析:chace此处为不可数名词,few改成little。)

5、 I met Mary last month.What semantic function does the word “last” perform in the above sentence, specific reference or generic reference?
评分规则:  “last”指上一个,听话者能够据此确定说话者谈论的是哪个月,因此属于确定特指(specific reference)。

6. Determiners (1) 限定词1 Text of determiners (1)

1、 Which of the following is incorrect?

答案: He invited many his friends to the party.

2、 The idea of traveling through _____ space to other planets interests many people today.

答案: /

3、 _ human problems that repeat themselves in life repeat themselves in __ literature.

答案: The, /, /

4、 I’d like _____ paper.

答案: a bit of

5、 _____ candidates are girls.

答案: Half the

6、 In a noun phrase, determiners always precede the noun head.

答案: 正确

7、 When more than one determiner occurs in a noun phrase, there are certain rules governing the word order between determiners.

答案: 正确

8、 As an indefinite determiner, “many” is a postdeterminer.

答案: 正确

9、 As a demonstrative determiner, “these” is a central determiner.

答案: 正确

10、 There is some milk in the fridge.In the above sentence, “some” perfomes the function of definite number.

答案: 错误

11、 Words that precede any premodifying adjectives in a noun phrase and which denote such referential meanings as specific reference, generic reference, definite quantity or indefinite quantity are referred to as _____.
答案: determiners

12、 Determiners such as both, two, three, etc., another two/three, many, (a) few, several, these, those and a (great) number of can only collocate with _____ count nouns.
答案: plural

13、 Determiners such as a(little) bit of, a great amount of, a great deal of, (a) little, much, less and least can only collocate with _____ nouns.
答案: (以下答案任选其一都对)noncount;

14、 Determiners such as this and that can collocate with either _____ or noncount nouns.
答案: singular

15、 Determiners such as some, any, many, much, little, few, all, no, several, and enough etc. can all perform the function of _____ quantity.
答案: indefinite

7. Determiners (2) — Articles 限定词2——冠词 Text of determiners (2) — Articles

1、 Specific reference falls into two kinds: definite specific reference and _____.

答案: indefinite specific reference

2、 _____ reference implies that a person or an object can be identified uniquely in the context or according to the common knowledge shared by speaker and hearer.

答案: Definite specific 

3、 In the sentence “The streets are clean and are shaded with trees.” The zero article before the noun “trees” performs the function of _____ specific reference.

答案:  indefinite

4、 When what is referred to occurs in a previous context and the definite article has to point backward for its meaning, this is known as _____ reference.

答案: anaphoric

5、 When the referential meaning of the definite article is determined by what follows the article and the head, and the article has to point forward for its own interpretation, that is _____ reference.

答案: cataphoric 

6、 Articles are the most typical of determiners.

答案: 正确

7、 Generic reference cannot be denoted by the indefinite article.

答案: 错误

8、 Indefinite specific reference can be denoted by the definite article.

答案: 错误

9、 Proper names, being themselves definite specific reference, mostly take no article.

答案: 正确

10、 The names of musical instruments generally have the definite article, while the names of sports have the zero.

答案: 正确

11、 In the sentence “An ox is a useful animal.” the article before the word “ox” is a(n) _____ article.
答案: indefinite

12、 In the sentence “Knowledge is power.” the article before the word “knowledge” is a(n) _____ article.
答案: zero

13、 In the sentence “The dog is a very smart animal.” the article before the word “dog” is a(n) _____ article.
答案: definite

14、 In the sentence “He was elected chairman of the students’ union.” zero article before the word “chairman” denoting _____ reference.
答案: situational

15、 Definite specific reference can be anaphoric, cataphoric, or _____.
答案: situational

作业7. Determiners (2) — Articles 限定词2——冠词 Homework of Determiners (2) — Articles

1、 In the sentence “Galileo claimed that he had invented the telescope.” the definite article performs a _____ function.
评分规则:  generic.

2、 In the sentence “Here’s a letter for you.” the indefinite article performs the function of indefinite _____ reference.
评分规则:  specific

3、 In the sentence “He ordered a book some time ago. The book has now arrived.” the definite article in front of “book” is _____.
评分规则:  anaphoric 或 anaphoric reference

4、 In the sentence “Is this the train for Shanghai?” the definite article before “train” is _____.
评分规则:  cataphoric 或 cataphoric reference

5、 In the sentence “Shut the door, please.” the definite article before the word “door” is _____.
评分规则:  situational 或 situational reference

作业8. Pronouns 代词 Homework of Pronouns

1、 Which word in the following sentence is a pronoun?He can’t swim that far.
评分规则:  he. 答对即得满分(that在句子中是副词,修饰far)

2、 According to the forms of “case”, personal pronouns include subjective case, _____ case and genitive case.
评分规则:  objective. 答对即得满分。

3、 Can reflexive pronouns be used as the object of verbs or prepositions?
评分规则:  Yes.肯定回答即得满分

4、 Do some English pronouns have the function of adjectives to modify nouns?
评分规则:  yes.肯定回答即得满分。(例如:she-goat, she-dancer, you-boys)

5、 Do the second person plural and singular possessive pronouns share the same form?
评分规则:  Yes. 肯定回答即得满分(两者都是yours)

8. Pronouns 代词 Text of Pronouns

1、 What part of speech is the italicized word in the following sentence?He isn’t that silly.

答案: Adverb

2、 Which of the following sentences is not correct?

答案: They all were in tears at the news.

3、 Which of the following sentences is not correct?

答案: She lent me other two books.

4、 Which of the following phrases is not correct?

答案: most my friends

5、 Which underlined part of the following sentence is not correct?The manager refuses to accept either of the five new proposals made by the contractors.

答案: either

6、 The third person singular masculine possessive pronoun and the corresponding determiner share the same form.

答案: 正确

7、 Pronouns belong to open class words.

答案: 错误

8、 Generally speaking, “this” and “these” are commonly used to refer to things near to the speaker, while “that” and “those” to things distant.

答案: 正确

9、 The third person singular also has the distinction of masculine, feminine and neuter.

答案: 正确

10、 In modern English, a reflexive pronoun can be used as a subject independently.

答案: 错误

11、 In emphatic use, _____ often follow a noun phrase or another pronoun as its appositive to reinforce its meaning.
答案: reflexives

12、 _____ pronouns are divided into two main categories: numerals and quantitatives, and compound pronouns.
答案: Indefinite

13、 _____ pronouns can also be regarded as the genitive case of personal pronouns.
答案: Possessive

14、 The reciprocal pronoun has only two items, “each other” and “_____”.
答案: one another

15、 The reflexive form of the word “we” is _____.
答案: ourselves

9 Verb and Verb Phrase 动词和动词短语 Text of Verb and Verb Phrase

1、 English main verbs have _____ finite forms.

答案: two

2、 The two finite forms of a main verb are the present tense and the _____ tense.

答案: past

3、 What type of dynamic verb does “go” belong to in the sentence “They go to school by bike every day.”?

答案: transitional verb

4、 Which of the following is not a semi-auxiliaries?

答案: go for

5、 Which of the following italicized part is a finite phrasal verb?

答案: The man is not to be bluffed.

6、 The past tense forms of auxiliaries do not necessarily express past time.

答案: 正确

7、 Semi-auxiliaries constitute a category of verbs between auxiliaries proper and main verbs.

答案: 正确

8、 Some intransitive verbs must be followed by an adverbial without which the meaning of the sentence will be incomplete.

答案: 正确

9、 A phrasal verb may consist of only one main verb.

答案: 错误

10、 With momentary verbs, the non-progressive form indicates a single movement and the progressive form a repeated movement.

答案: 正确

11、 Dynamic verbs can be subclassified into three categories: durative verbs, transitional verbs and _____ verbs.
答案: momentary

12、 Main verbs can be divided into transitive verbs, _____ verbs and linking verbs in accordance with whether or not they must be followed by obligatory elements
答案: intransitive

13、 The function of auxiliary “_____” is to help the main verb to form the perfective or the perfective progressive aspect.
答案: have

14、 Auxiliary “_____” is usually used to help the main verb to express negative meanings or to form questions, and sometimes to help express the emphatic affirmative.
答案: do

15、 Auxiliaries fall into three categories: _____ auxiliaries, modal auxiliaries and semi-auxiliaries.
答案: primary

作业9 Verb and Verb Phrase 动词和动词短语 Homework of Verb and Verb Phrase

1、 In a complex verb phrase,the head of the phrase is preceded by one or more _____.
评分规则:  auxiliaries或auxiliary verbs。答案为其中一个即得满分。

2、 Please find the phrasal verb in the following sentence.We don’t go in for that kind of thing.
评分规则:  go in for。答对即得满分,go in for是“喜欢”的意思。

3、 What is the past participle form of the verb “bend”?
评分规则:  bent。答对即得满分。

4、 Please write down the three non-finite forms of the verb “see”.
评分规则:  to see, seen, seeing。三个答案不分先后顺序,都写出即得满分,写出一个得10分,写出两个得15分。

5、 Can the semi-auxiliarie “be apt to” be transformed into an “it… that-clause” construction?
评分规则:  No。答案为否定即得满分。如句子Glass is apt to break. (玻璃易碎)转换为It is apt that glass will break.则不成立。 但句子They are likely to win.可以转化为It is likely that they will win.

10 Tense and Aspect 时和体 Text of Tense and Aspect

1、 English verbs have _____ aspect(s).

答案: two

2、 English verbs have _____ tense(s).

答案: two

3、 The _____ is made up of have / has been + -ing participle.

答案: present perfective progressive

4、 The “_____” use of the present perfective denotes that an action or state extends over a period lasting up to the present moment, possibly extending into the future as well.

答案: unfinished

5、 Which of the following meanings cannot be expressed in the simple present tense?

答案: past time

6、 The hypothetical past refers not to a fact but to a non-fact.

答案: 正确

7、 The past perfective when used to express hypothetical meanings is called the imaginary use of the past perfective.

答案: 正确

8、 The past perfective progressive and the past perfective can be used interchangeably in many cases.

答案: 正确

9、 In the “finished” use, the present perfective is commonly accompanied by an adverbial expressing duration, but no such accompanying adverbial is present in the “unfinished” use.

答案: 错误

10、 In the sentence “He worked as a teacher all his life.”, the simple past indicate a past habit.

答案: 正确

11、 What is the tense and aspect of the following sentence? It is the _____.He has lived in China for ten years.
答案: present perfective

12、 English verbs have _____ aspect and perfect aspect.
答案: progressive

13、 English verbs have present tense and _____ tense.
答案: past

14、 There are _____ tense and aspect forms in English finite verb phrases.
答案: (以下答案任选其一都对)8;

15、 Put the verb in bracets into the simple present or the present progressive:We probably _____(spend) next weekend at home.
答案: are spending

作业10 Tense and Aspect 时和体 Homework of Tense and Aspect

1、 Do English verbs have future tense?
评分规则:  No. 否定回答即得满分。English verbs only have “present tense” and “past tense”, but there is no “future tense”.

2、 Do Chinese verbs have tense and aspect?
评分规则:  No. 否定回答即得满分。

3、 Which tense can be used to denote timeless present?
评分规则:  The simple present tense. 提到simple present即得满分。

4、 The use of the simple present as a device of story-telling and news reporting to add vividness to the description is called _____.
评分规则:  historic present.答对即得满分。

5、 Can the past tense be used to express present concepts?
评分规则:  Yes.肯定回答即得满分。例如我们可以用一般过去时表示委婉或作想象性用法。

11 Means of Expressing Future Time 将来时间表达法 Text of Means of Expressing Future Time

1、 Which of the following “be going to + infinitive” construction is used to express intention?

答案: He is going to be a teacher when he grows up.

2、 Which of the following “be about to + infinitive” construction may be used to express an unfulfilled intention?

答案: We were about to leave when it began to rain.

3、 Which of the following “be to + infinitive” construction may be used in the sense of “was destined to”, i.e. denoting a past destiny?

答案: They said goodbye, little knowing they were never to meet again.

4、 By the end of this month, we surely _____ a satisfactory solution to the problem.

答案: will have found

5、 Can you know what you _____ at this time next month?

答案: will be doing

6、 The modal auxiliary “will” with subjects of all three persons are commonly used to express future events.

答案: 正确

7、 If an action has extended for a specified length of time before a given future moment and possibly continues at that moment, we can use the construction “will/ shall + perfective progressive infinitive”.

答案: 正确

8、 The present progressive can refer to a future happening anticipated at the present.

答案: 正确

9、 “Was / were about to + infinitive” is a semi-auxiliary construction expresses the immediate future in the past.

答案: 正确

10、 If we want to express a colorless, pure future, we can use “will + infinitive”.

答案: 错误

11、 Choose between “will + infinitive” and “will be + -ing” to fill in the blank.He _____(come) if you ask him.
答案: will come

12、 Choose between “will + infinitive” and “be going to + infinitive” to fill in the blank.答案: am going to bottle

13、 Choose between “be going to” and “be + doing” to fill in the blank.Take an umbrella; it _____(rain).
答案: is going to rain

14、 Choose between “will be + -ing” and “will have + -ed” to fill in the blank.He spends all his spare time planting trees. He says by the end of next year he _____(plant) 2000.
答案: will have planted

15、 Choose between “would + infinitive” and “be to + infinitive” to fill in the blank.It was 1491. Columbus _____(discover) America in the following year.
答案: was to discover

作业11 Means of Expressing Future Time 将来时间表达法 Homework of Means of Expressing Future Time

1、 Does the absence of “future tense” mean that English does not have means to express future time?
评分规则:  No. 否定答案即得满分。

2、 Do the italicized part in the following sentences express the concept of future time?I’ll go where he goes.
评分规则:  Yes.肯定答案即得满分。此处主句是将来时间,时间状语从句中动词用一般现在时表将来。

3、 Which underlined part of the following sentence is not correct?If she doesn’t tell him the truth now, he’ll simply keep on asking her until she will.
评分规则:  Will.答案指向will即得满分。此处主句是将来时间,时间状语从句用一般现在时表将来,应改为does。

4、 Which underlined part of the following sentence is not correct?They still wonder whether their life will change considerably by the year 2060.
评分规则:  Will change.答案指向will change即得满分。此处时间状语表明change这个动作在将来某个时间前已经完成,需要改为will have changed。

5、 Can we use “will / shall + infinitive” to express a colorless, pure future?
评分规则:  No. 否的回答即得满分。“will do”有时即表示将来,也含有“意愿”或“意图”。纯粹的将来概念可以用will+不定式进行体或完成体表达。

作业12 Passive Voice 被动语态 Homework of Passive Voice

1、 Do all transitive verbs have passive forms?
评分规则:  No. 答案为否定即得满分。Some stative verbs among transitive verbs only indicate a certain state, and there is no passive form for them.

2、 Is the following sentence a passive sentence?They got married last month.
评分规则:  Yes. 肯定回答即得满分。此句属于get型被动态。

3、 Which underlined part of the following sentence is not true?Whenever Jim supposes to make an appointment with me, he always says he is too busy.
评分规则:  supposes. 只要答案指向这个单词即得满分。改为is supposed。

4、 Which underlined part of the following sentence is not true?He wanted the information to be treated as confidential, but it made public at a press conference.
评分规则:  made. 答案指向这个单词即得满分。改为was made。

5、 Please turn the following active sentence into a passive sentence.I took these photos.
评分规则:  These photos were taken by me. 与答案完全相符即得满分。

12 Passive Voice 被动语态 Text of Passive Voice

1、 The match was cancelled because most of the members _____ a match without a standard court.

答案: objected to having

2、 He _____ when the bus came to a sudden stop.

答案: was almost hurt

3、 Quite a few people used to believe that disaster _____ if a mirror was broken.

答案: was sure to strike

4、 We remember with pain that we did not see that beauty when it flowered, that we failed to respond with love when it _____.

答案: was tendered

5、 Speak when you _____; come when you are called.

答案: are spoken to

6、 The active form of English verbs is grammatically unmarked, while the passive form is grammatically marked.

答案: 正确

7、 Some phrasal verbs made up of intransitive verbs are transitive and have passive forms.

答案: 正确

8、 The by-phrase introducing the agent of the action is necessary in a passive sentence.

答案: 错误

9、 Not all the active sentences can be made passive.

答案: 正确

10、 The present progressive aspect of some verbs can express passive meaning.

答案: 正确

11、 Please use the simple present tense to change the verb in the brackets into its passive voice.What is learned in the cradle _____ (carry) to the grave.
答案: is carried

12、 Please use the present perfect tense to change the verb in the brackets into its passive voice.Culture is to know the best that _____ (say and think) in the world.
答案: has been said and thought

13、 Please change the verb in the brackets into its passive voice.Nothing _____ (do) if a person only wishes.
答案: will be done

14、 Please change the verb in the brackets into its passive voice.Don’t count your chickens before they _____ (hatch).
答案: are hatched

15、 Please change the verb in the brackets into its passive voice.All that is said in the kitchen should not _____ (hear) in the hall.
答案: be heard

13 Mood 式 Text of Subjunctive Mood

1、 If everything in life _ right, we ___ fight.

答案: was; would never have to

2、 They should have insisted but that they _____ courage.

答案: lacked

3、 It’s getting dark, I’d rather you _____ now.

答案: left

4、 That was not the first time he _ us. I think it’s high time we ___ strong actions against him.

答案: had betrayed…; took

5、 If there were no subjunctive mood, English _____ much easier to learn.

答案: would be

6、 There are three moods in English.

答案: 正确

7、 If the time of the subordinate and main clauses is not the same, these unreal conditionals are called conditionals of mixed time.

答案: 正确

8、 The following sentence states a situation which is contrary to a present fact.But for her guidance, we should fail.

答案: 正确

9、 The following sentence states a situation which is contrary to a past fact.But for her guidance, we should have failed.

答案: 正确

10、 The following sentences contain the subjunctive mood.His silence suggested that he agreed with my idea.

答案: 错误

11、 There are two types of unreal conditionals: _____ conditionals and counterfactual conditionals.
答案: hypothetical

12、 Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb in the brackets.Watching TV requires that one _____ (stay) home, but a book can go anywhere in the reader’s pocket.
答案: (以下答案任选其一都对)stay;
should stay

13、 Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb in the brackets.If folly were grief, every house _____ (weep).
答案: (以下答案任选其一都对)would weep;
could weep;
might weep;
should weep

14、 Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb in the brackets.It is essential that these application forms _____ (send) back as early as possible.
答案: (以下答案任选其一都对)be sent;
should be sent

15、 Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb in the brackets.I _____ (enjoy) the party much more if there hadn’t been quite such a crowd of people there.
答案: (以下答案任选其一都对)should have enjoyed;
would have enjoyed;
could have enjoyed;
might have enjoyed

作业13 Mood 式 Homework of Subjunctive Mood

1、 _____, as a grammatical category, is a verb form that expresses the speaker’s intention and attitude.
评分规则:  Mood. 答对即得满分。

2、 The indicative mood is used to express a fact; the imperative mood is used to express a command or request; and the _____ mood is used to express nonfactual or hypothetical meaning.
评分规则:  subjunctive. 答对即得满分。

3、 Which underlined part of the following sentence is not true?If I hadn’t stood under the ladder to catch you when you fell, you won’t be smiling now.
评分规则:  won’t be smiling. 答案指向这一部分即得满分。应改为:wouldn’t be smiling

4、 Which underlined part of the following sentence is not true?Look at the terrible situation I am in! If only I have followed your advice.
评分规则:  have followed. 答案指向这一部分即得满分。应改为:had followed.

5、 Does the following sentence contain the subjunctive mood?The games will be postponed in case it snows.
评分规则:  No. 否定回答即得满分。in case引导的句子既可以用陈述语气也可以用虚拟语气。

作业14 Means of Expressing Modal Meaning 情态意义表达法 Homework of Means of Expressing Modal Meaning

1、 Please judge whether the following statement is true or false. use “T” for true and “F” for false.We usually use ‘was/were able to’ instead of ‘could’ to talk about a specific ability to do something in the past.
评分规则:  T. 答案为正确即得满分。

2、 Does the word “will” in the following sentence need to be stressed to convey the meaning of “determination”?I will take the job and no one is going to stop me.
评分规则:  Yes. 肯定回答即得满分。

3、 When denoting absence of oblication or necessity, is the negative form of ‘must’ ‘mustn’t’ or ‘needn’t’?
评分规则:  needn’t. 答案为needn’t或need not即得满分。

4、 Which of the following sentence expresses a theoretical possibility and which expresses a factual possibility?a. Mr. Reed is in poor health. He can be ill at any time.b. Mr. Reed looks pale today. He may be ill.
评分规则:  a句为理论上的可能性(a theoretical possibility)事实并不一定在生病。b句为事实上的可能性(a factual possibility),因为前一句支持Reed先生今天脸色苍白,和健康时的状况不符。选择准确即得满分。

5、 In the following conversation, should we stress “may” or “not” in order to refuse to give permission?— May I use your car for a few day?— No, you may not.
评分规则:  not. 答案表示需要重读not即得满分。

14 Means of Expressing Modal Meaning 情态意义表达法 Text of Means of Expressing Modal Meaning

1、 — The door was open.— It _____ open. I had locked it myself and the key was in my pocket.

答案: can’t have been

2、 Which of the following sentences expresses WILLINGNESS?

答案: My brother will help you with the luggage.

3、 The meeting has been cancelled. Ann _____ all that work.

答案: needn’t have done

4、 Sometimes we don’t overlook the things that _____.

答案: ought to be overlooked

5、 The discipline _____ hard, but it was wholesome.

答案: may have been

6、 Modals help main words to form finite verb phrases, in which only one modal can be used, and it is always the first word in the phrase.

答案: 正确

7、 For modals, the characteristics of “tense” are not the main signs of time difference.

答案: 正确

8、 “Can” and “could” in the sense of “possibility” are interchangeable with no difference in time reference.

答案: 正确

9、 “May” in the sense of “possibility” can be used in statements and questions.

答案: 错误

10、 The use of modals in the following dialogue is appropriate.— Would you lend me your car this weekend?— Yes, I would.

答案: 错误

11、 Please write down the corresponding modal accordingly.Men _____ (可能) doubt what you say, but they will believe what you do.
答案: may

12、 Please write down the corresponding modal accordingly.His sublime life proved that even physical weakness _____ (能够) remove the mountains in the pursuit of an end recommended by duty.
答案: could

13、 Please fill in the appropriate modal in the following blank.A fox _____ turn gray, but never kind.
答案: may

14、 Please fill in the appropriate modal in the following blank.If wrinkles _____ be written upon our brows, let them not be written upon the heart.
答案: must

15、 Please fill in the appropriate modal in the following blank.He _____ be very careless, but now he has made progress.
答案: used to

作业15 Infinitive 不定式 Homework of Infinitive

1、 What sentence element does the infinitive play in the following sentence?I wrote him to come at once.A. adverbial B. object complement C. attribute D. object
评分规则:  B. object complement答案指向B即得满分。

2、 What sentence element does the infinitive play in the following sentence?We eat to live.A. adverbial B. object complement C. attribute D. object
评分规则:  A. adverbial答案指向A即得满分。

3、 Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb in brackets.The strongest are those who renounce their own times and become a living part of those yet _____ (come).
评分规则:  to come.回答正确即得满分。

4、 Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb in brackets.Each bird loves to hear himself _____ (sing).
评分规则:  sing.回答正确即得满分。

5、 What is the form of the infinitive in the following sentence?He hoped to have finished the work earlier.A. simple B. progressive C. perfective D. perfective progressive
评分规则:  C.答案指向C即得满分。

15 Infinitive 不定式 Text of Infinitive

1、 Which of the following sentences is NOT correct?

答案: She had no choice but fight to the end.

2、 Which of the following sentences is NOT correct?

答案: We can’t let things go to hang.

3、 Which of the following sentences is NOT correct?

答案: During the war, many people were reduced to live in poverty and misery.

4、 Which translation of the following sentence is NOT appropriate?The lamb is too hot to eat.

答案: 羔羊肉趁热吃。

5、 _____, we must rely on ourselves.

答案: To gain our happiness

6、 The infinitive has tense distinctions but not person or number contrasts.

答案: 错误

7、 The infinitive is usually composed of the infinitive sign “to” and the base form of a main verb.

答案: 正确

8、 A negative infinitive is formed by adding “not” or “never” immediately before the infinitive sign “to”.

答案: 正确

9、 The infinitive “to greet” in the sentence “The future to greet us will be bright.” is an attribute to the subject.

答案: 正确

10、 There is a bare infinitive in the sentence “You must abide by the school rules and regulations.”.

答案: 正确

11、 Please fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb in brackets.The unexamined life is not worth _____ (live).
答案: living

12、 Please fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb in brackets.Do not regret _____ (grow) older, it’s a privilege denied to many.
答案: growing

13、 Please fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb in brackets.One is never too young nor too old _____ (change) his self-image and thereby start to live a new life.
答案: to change

14、 Please fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb in brackets.You are welcome _____ (use) my car.
答案: to use

15、 Please fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb in brackets._____ (open) the window, she saw a bird flying over.
答案: Opening

作业16 Participle 分词 Homework of Participle

1、 Please fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb in brackets.The dead are indifferent to slander, but the _____ (live) can die of it.
评分规则:  living. 答案为living即得满分。

2、 Please fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb in brackets.We are too often indifferent to the loss of an hour or of a day, _____ (forget) that our life is the sum total of the days and of the hours we live.
评分规则:  forgetting. 答案为forgetting即得满分。

3、 Please fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb in brackets.He turned his back on years of academic training and, _____ (forgo) financial security, began a career in the highly uncertain communications field.
评分规则:  forgoing. 答案为forgoing即得满分。

4、 Please fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb in brackets.When you work, work, and when you play, play. Don’t get the two _____ (mix) up.
评分规则:  mixed. 答案为mixed即得满分。

5、 Please fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb in brackets.The difference between a winner and a loser is, when _____ (confront) with difficulties, the former never loses heart.
评分规则:  confronted. 答案为confronted即得满分。

16 Participle 分词 Text of Participle

1、 It’s no use _____ me not to worry.

答案: your telling

2、 _____ such a good chance, he planned to learn more.

答案: Having been given

3、 Silver is the best conductor of electricity, copper _____ it closely.

答案: following

4、 Dream of the Red Chamber is said _____ into dozens of languages in the last decade.

答案: to have been translated

5、 _____ with the size of the whole earth, the highest mountain does not seem high at all.

答案: When compared

6、 If the logical subject of the -ing participle is the subject of the main clause, it is not literally expressed.

答案: 正确

7、 In the collocation “prevent / stop somebody from doing something”, the preposition “from” can be omitted if the finite verb occurs in the passive.

答案: 错误

8、 Compound -ed participles express active meaning and compound -ing participles indicate passive meaning or a sense of completion.

答案: 错误

9、 There is a dangling participle in the following sentence.Look back, the house seemed to have been engulfed by the snow.

答案: 正确

10、 In the choice of an -ing participle and an -ed participle as a premodifier in a noun phrase, whether it is a transitive verb or an intransitive verb, whether it is passive or active, as long as it is a complete action, an -ed participle should be used, that is, the voice should obey the tense.

答案: 正确

11、 Please convert the underlined part into a participle phrase.A river that runs into many brooks becomes shallow.
答案: running into many brooks

12、 Please convert the underlined part into a participle phrase.When they have planted their acorn, they expected to see it grow into an oak at once.
答案: Having planted their acorn

13、 Please convert the underlined part into a participle phrase.He employed himself diligently in the practice of his art during the remaining years of his life, and lived in great simplicity and privacy.
答案: living in great simplicity and privacy

14、 Please convert the underlined part into a participle phrase.Fear, if it is left unchecked, can destroy our lives.
答案: left unchecked

15、 Please convert the underlined part into a participle phrase.Because he was upheld throughout by the victorious power of enthusiasm, he pursued his design with unsubdued energy.
答案: Upheld throughout by the victorious power of enthusiasm

17 Adjective and Adverb 形容词和副词 Text of Adjective and Adverb

1、 I can’t come this evening; it’s _____ impossible.

答案: quite

2、 The football match was televised _____ from the Worker’s Stadium in Beijing.

答案: live

3、 After having gone _____ far, George did not want to turn back.

答案: that

4、 This pair of shoes isn’t good, but that pair is _____ better.

答案: hardly

5、 Which of the following words can NOT be used to complete “We’ve seen the film _____.”?

答案: yet

6、 We may translate “Jane lives the next house but one.” into “简住在隔壁的隔壁。”.

答案: 正确

7、 ”Furthermore” in the sentence “The house is not big enough for us, and furthermore, it is too far from town.” is a conjunct.

答案: 正确

8、 Adverbs belong to closed class words.

答案: 错误

9、 “Alike” is a predicative adjective.

答案: 正确

10、 The book is worthy of careful study.The book is worthy of being studied carefully.The book is worthy to be studies carefully.The above three sentences have the same meaning.

答案: 正确

11、 Write down the appropriate adjective according to the Chinese translation.Opportunity is so freely _____ that we take it for granted.机会如此易得,以至于我们对此视为理所当然。
答案: available

12、 Write down the appropriate adjective according to the Chinese translation.Happy life is _____ with various virtues.愉快的生活和各种美德不可分割。
答案: inseparable

13、 Write down the corresponding adverb according to the Chinese translation.By reorienting, you can learn to see yourself and the world around you _____ (以不同的方式).
答案: differently

14、 Write down the corresponding adverb according to the Chinese translation.We look forward _____ (充满希望地) to the future.
答案: hopefully

15、 The happyest people don’t necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything in their life.One of the underlined parts of the above sentence is not used correctly. Please write down its correct form:_____.
答案: happiest







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